Secrets to Funeral Planning: Help During Your Time of Need

Why You Should Use a Monumental Mason for Headstone Repair

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Headstone repair and cemetery restoration have become increasingly sought after. This is due to families wanting to maintain their loved ones burial sites. It can also be due to many cities and principalities wanting to maintain the history found within their cemeteries. The issue may be who to hire when you want this kind of restorative service provided. You can hire private freelancers for the position; however, here are some reasons you should consider monumental masons for the project.…

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Why Cremation Is A Fast-Growing Trend in the Australian Funeral Industry

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Although traditional in-ground burials remain a common funeral choice among Australians, cremation is increasingly growing in popularity. This growing trend can be attributed to the fact that more and more people are becoming aware of the various advantages of cremation. If you’re considering getting cremated when you die, here are some arguments for cremation to help you make an informed decision about this funeral option. Cost savings From funeral home charges to buying a casket to securing a gravesite at the local cemetery, the money involved in having a traditional burial can be substantial.…

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How To Broadcast A Funeral Services

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Would you want to broadcast a funeral service? It could be that you want friends and family who cannot attend the event to livestream it on their devices. Below is a guide on how you can successfully broadcast a funeral service.  Prepare Streaming Equipment You will need high-quality video recording equipment to broadcast the event. When choosing a camera, consider its picture quality and zoom range. Features such as image stabilisation, filters and sensors will significantly affect the image quality.…

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